Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Alright girls - if we want to stay in God's will, we need to continue to put all things before Him. Our desire is to have as many participate in this part as possible!!!

Prayer changes things... as our steadfast and amazing prayer ministry reminds us with this quote "When we work, we work, when we PRAY, God works" it should encourage and fill us with joy to see our voices being heard. You are valued and vital as our plans progress!

Here are some basics we want to put before the LORD - please remember a few in your daily thoughts. We will add more as we get closer and needs arise. Thank you for the gift of your time.

- perfect weather!
- women of all ages, stages and comforts will come
- protected plans
- child care for mommies who want to come
- the information gets to all women
- pray for our speakers! Protected health and a contagious energy/excitement

1 comment:

Hester Party of 2..3..4..5..6??? said...

This is so wonderful that you guys have started a blog! I will pass the word on that this is here. I have so many girlfriends at church who follow other blogs..like Beth Moore regularly. This retreat is on my prayer list and I will look forward to seeing how God uses the retreat to speak to us on a personal and group level!