Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting excited!

Spent some time in prayer about the retreat today... I am getting really excited! I have said it before but I believe Change of Place + Change of Pace = Change of Perspective. I am looking forward to getting away from my usual routine. Every year that I have attended I have come away with something that has really helped me in my walk with the Lord. One of my special memories of the past retreats has been a prayer walk I have taken with a dear friend. Every year we have attended together we have purposed to make time for our prayer walk... where we have shared praises and answered prayer from the year. We continue to pray for one another and share throughout the year so to dedicate this time to talk about how God has answered has been very special and I believe God glorifying!
You will see pictures of Camp Egan posted in a slideshow on the right of the blog. It is a beautiful place.
Some things I will be sure to pack are...
my Bible
bottled water
walking/running shoes
comfortable clothes

Also, on the right side towards the end of this page you will see a download of the actual brochure. Be sure to share information with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers... any woman you think would be interested. Start commenting and let's get the word out! I believe God has a special weekend planned for us!
We are creating a Facebook group too... friend request me - Lisa Goldsmith - or look for the group 2010 Asbury Women's Retreat Back to the Basics.
I look forward to seeing you at Camp Egan if not before!
In Christ

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